Archive for April, 2013

Not Your Ordinary Power Breakfast

This week, I’m heading to New York to take part in the State of the American Mom Power Breakfast. You might be thinking, “OK, Maria. There are dozens of these power breakfasts every day.” However, this event is unique for its focus on moms, the latest research on moms spending habits, the release of valuable research and the group behind it all. As a founding member of the coalition, I’m offering a sneak peek at bits of the research and information about how you can access these industry resources at a terrific price – free!

A highlight of the breakfast is the release of the State of the American Mom Report offered by the Marketing to Moms Coalition. As the industry’s only not-for-profit group dedicated to studying the purchasing patterns of American mothers, the Marketing to Moms Coalition fields independent research to capture an unbiased view of spending habits.

The 2013 State of the American Mom Report reveals opinions about topics important to moms (and for the first time, dads), including the economy and family finances, media habits and technology. Overall, 1,248 moms responded (households with children under age 18). Of these, 61% of the survey respondents are working mothers, and one in three are the sole or primary earner in the household. Glimpses of the report reveal:

Economy and Purchases

  • While 42% of moms are less optimistic about the economy, they are getting hopeful. Large purchases are still rare, though, with the majority surveyed indicating a spending freeze on major spending categories like vacations (47%), electronics (61%) and home goods (83%).
  • Smaller purchases like clothing are sacrificed most often; 55% of moms and 53% of dads indicate that they skimp on their own clothing buys.
  • What makes moms choose a name brand over a store brand? The majority (61%) is based on sales, followed by 54% who use coupons for a particular brand and 39% of moms who base name brand purchases on family preferences.

Mobile Technology and Social Media

  • This survey shows a big jump in smartphone ownership with almost 60% of moms now owning one compared to 44% in 2011.
  • How are moms using their phones? The top uses include playing games (64%), looking up store hours and locations (58%) and finding nearby restaurants (50%).
  • Children start playing on laptops or desktops in the 3- to 6-year-old age range, according to 43% of moms; 25% of moms say cell phone/tablet use starts in the same age range.
  • At 54%, more higher income moms agree that time on mobile devices cuts into family time.
  • Millennial (54%) and Gen X (47%) moms are most likely to be on Facebook twice daily. Facebook is the most popular social media site; however, YouTube shows the biggest jump in usage – 22% more than 2011.
  • Why do moms “like” a brand? 53% say an offer or coupon and 40% say brand preference causes the click on the “like” button. Half of parents shared a comment on a brand’s Facebook fan page.
  • Millennial and Gen X moms are more likely to embrace new sites like Pinterest and Instagram. Almost three-quarters of moms use Pinterest for recipes, inspiration and decorating ideas.

This is simply a sneak peek at the State of the American Mom Report. More detailed information is available by contacting fellow coalition member Michal Clements at for full report information. Take advantage of the excellent resources offered by the Marketing to Moms Coalition, including latest trends, reports and updates in the marketing to moms industry. Follow on:


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